European Colonization of India

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European colonization of India

The European colonization of India is called the conquest by European states of various Indian kingdoms for trade and, of course, the founding of colonies here.
The story tells that the very first colony in this country was the popular state of Goa captured by the Portuguese. And shortly before this incident, local researchers were able to open the sea road. At that time, Goa was the capital of the Indian Portuguese colonies. Later, a small colony was founded in the Ganges delta called Google. It is worth noting that Portugal itself did not manage trade in this country for so long. Already at the end of the sixteenth century the country was annexed to sunny Spain. And since 1640, Portugal regained its independence. However, trade leadership already belonged to the inhabitants of England and the Dutch.
England is the most developed country in trade with the mysterious India. And the beginning of the seventeenth century became a landmark for the two countries. The British had a great influence on India. At the end of the next century, they managed to overthrow the European colonists and reliably settle in their own colonies. Britain became the most powerful among the rest of the colonial empires. The country has long held a leading position in the European colonial system.
The inhabitants of India did not want to silently endure their fate, and at the end of 1942 a powerful campaign of civil disobedience began. People demanded a quick withdrawal of the British. On the fifteenth of August independence of India was proclaimed.
After some time, the Dutch conquerors destroyed the Portuguese possessions and created the Dutch East India Company. After a while, the first French East India Company arose.

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